Best surprise:
The snow - how crunchy and fluffy and fabulous it was.
Least favorite surprise:
The constant cold and generalized dreariness and lack of sunshine up here. Today is gorgeous, the sun is actually shining, and I'm so happy about it that I haven't broken out the sunglasses a solitary time all day, just because I want to soak it all in! (That actually sounds medically risky, but I'm hoping you understand. I've really missed the sun!)
Most delicious treat:
Chocolate chip cookies from Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen... yummmm!!!!!
Most frustrating moment:
Getting lost around Norton Hall! That place is so completely confusing, and I took a few too many wrong turns/wrong staircases/wrong hallways the first several days weeks of class!
Most awkward moment:
Definitely reaching for one of those pop-up table thingies in a lecture hall and grabbing a guy's leg instead. Yowch. Then turning around and saying, "I am so very sorry."
Another surprising moment:
Hearing someone say, "Hey Chris!" at the mall and actually be referring to my Chris. (I'm convinced that the grocery store near our house is staffed entirely of Chrises, so it doesn't mean much when someone says "Hey Chris!" around there.) It was nice to run into someone Chris knew from work in a city where we don't know many people at all!
What I love most about the house:
The wooden floors. The basement. The swingy doors in the basement. The sliding door to the master bedroom. The marble countertops. The newness of so much of it and the vintage quality of the rest. Its character. How can I pick just one?
What I love least about the house:
Its distance from campus. OH - and the sad little bathroom floor upstairs!! Don't worry, we will be tiling ASAP. I'm thinking a white-marble-subway-tile thing in keeping with the marble and old-school look of house.
What I love most about being back in school:
Intellectual stimulation from somewhere besides the blogosphere. Love it! :-)
Arrogance & Eloquence
10 hours ago
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