Well, I'm doing it, folks. I'm blogging live from the library. And I don't even feel bad about it, because one guy a few rows over from me is typing even more loudly than I am! HA! Take THAT, Type Guy!
I must say this library is growing on me. It smells like a library should smell, and that is one thing you don't find just anywhere anymore. I'm hanging out here between post-class socializing and Pilates, which doesn't start until 4:45. I should be studying - and I soon will be - but I thought it could be fun to blog for a sec. Perhaps if I spent more time post-class socializing I wouldn't have these odd tendencies to blog from the library.
In fact, I'm such a nerd that I didn't realize that it was possible for a student to have an assigned desk in a library - let alone an assigned office! Oh, but it is - and actually the fact that this is surprising to me probably makes me that much less of a nerd than I even think I am. I actually just completed a tour (de force?) in which I wandered around this place in circles, looking for a non-assigned desk that I could make my own for the next hour. In doing so, I'm sure I totally disrupted some people (you know, the ones cool enough to have assigned desks) what with my sloshing water bottle and footsteps and all.
On to other things: I love this campus. It's really gorgeous. I have a window seat, and I'm looking out across the quad right now. I just wish I knew more of the people here. The good news is that we think we may have potentially found a church, and getting settled in at a church would help things significantly.
On another note, I'm ready to move on to new topics in one of my classes. Each class period I get all worked up and want someone, anyone, to challenge some of what the professor is saying - if only to say "yours isn't the only compelling interpretation of this text" - and yet it rarely happens, and when it does, I can tell the challengers wimp out and start saying things like, "Maybe I don't have a clear understanding of what you're saying." I obviously don't blame them, because I don't even say anything to begin with. Honestly I don't even know where to begin. I guess I'm ready to move onto something much less speculative and abstract, and much more practical and impacting on our everyday lives.
And on that cryptic note, it's back to the books for me! Au revoir for now!
Arrogance & Eloquence
10 hours ago
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