Saturday, September 18, 2010


*this was actually written a few weeks ago, but never got published here! More posts to come soon... promise :-) *
If there were a book about running off what little blog readership you may enjoy, I could write it. But here I return all over again, like a dog returning to its v... never mind, awkward analogy.

Welcome back. It's a new semester, a new day. I'm working now, and I'm kind of getting in over my head in everything in life right now... but somehow I'm loving it, as usual! Once again, I have a whole new stack of books to read the size of which Levar Burton would envy. I bet he's never even read this much, despite his decades-long(?) career at Reading Rainbow. (By the way, I just realized he has a Twitter account, and it's highly disturbing. Thank you, Google.)

I had to be at school at 8 this morning for a special class session. If you know me, you know that is not a good time for me to be anywhere. But it was quite interesting and helpful, and I am very glad I went.

Now I must go read Purpose-Driven Youth Ministry, which I am reading for a class. I must note that it is sort of fun to read this book 12 years after it was written, now that the whole purpose-driven thing has suffered a bit of a backlash, as has the classic youth ministry concept. But regardless, I am learning a lot from it, and I often find myself wondering what people were even bothering to criticize to begin with. Argh, am I making sense? I think a nap might be in order for me!
Much love, yo!

1 comment:

  1. I sure love to read anything this girl writes. I laugh out loud every time. Shelby puts words to things I've thought about but never expressed. Shel, where are your posts "soon to come"? We're waitiiiiiiiing.....:)
