So we did it!!! We are IN Louisville, ready to start school at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary tomorrow. I would say we have moved to Louisville, but we are currently living out of a hotel.
We were supposed to close on a house on Friday, but alas... apparently the closing process is a good deal more complicated than it was six months ago, so here we are, chillaxing with a contraband bird in our room. That's right. Ava, our parrot (who we originally thought was a female but later learned from the vet that he's a male), is currently shuffling around in his cage and intermittently calling out, "COME HERE! COME HERE, BABY! HEY BIRD!!!! BIRDY BIRDY BIRDY BIRDY!!!" all while we try to keep him undercover so we don't get kicked out of the only home we have.
Ava has also been plucking out his feathers - a truly disturbing habit he develops when he gets too stressed out. I think it's a visual representation of how we feel right now with all the waiting, waiting, waiting! :-)
I know this all sounds rather dramatic, but really we are loving it... for the most part! We are quite blessed because we aren't having to pay for the room. Because the banker feels bad for setting a closing date (and time) for Friday (at 3:30 p.m.), she is graciously covering the cost of our room until we finally move into our home. Which we hope will be tomorrow.
Until then, we're adjusting to Louisville life... to the Eastern Time Zone... to life in a place where we only know a couple of people. I think this will be an adventure. I will keep you posted on this blog as we go along, so buckle your seat belts (cheezy I know) and get ready for a ride!!!!!
Arrogance & Eloquence
9 hours ago
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