So I think I am about to make Attempt #3 to make this blog thing work. I really need an outlet for all the crazy ideas (which my dear Grandma born in Mississippi would pronounce "idears") spinning around in my head, and where else but here? Believe it or not, I have actually had reasons to account for my lack of posting:
1. I think of all these funny stories but hate to share on here because I'm afraid I'll wind up accidentally hurting someone's feelings.
2. I fear my stories aren't any more amusing than anyone else's, so therefore no one would be interested.
3. I have an unwillingness to share anything that could possibly be construed as controversial on here for fear of hurting people's feelings.
4. My fears of Internet technology.
I'm always so blasted afraid of hurting people's feelings. But considering I try to go out of my way to be diplomatic, I guess it's worth the risk! Here's why I want to blog:
1. Perhaps something I say could encourage someone who stumbles across this thing.
2. Maybe people out there will be easily amused by my everyday stories, because I am easily amused by the everyday stories others share.
3. I need to be more disciplined.
4. I don't need to be afraid of Internet technology. This is 2010.
And no, I never overthink anything! ;-) And now, without further ado, let's see how it goes....