Welcome to Rose Monkey. I have no clue what I'm doing.
Who am I? Let's start here: you can call me Shelby. I live in Memphis... for now at least! I am hoping any day now to get news that my husband has found a job in Louisville, Ky., so that we can move up there for seminary. Both of us have been talking and praying about this since before we got married (on June 14, 2008... does that make us newlyweds still?), so much, in fact, that I think people are starting to snarkle at us and think "yeah right" anytime we mention that we're hoping to move soon. But we truly are. We finally sense that the time is right and that's where God is leading us. It's been a slow process, but sometimes the best things in life work that way, right?
My husband Chris is already taking classes online toward an M.Div. in Worldview and Apologetics, and I am hoping to get my master's in Women's Ministry with an emphasis in Counseling. As of now, I'm working as a writer and he's programming computers - or so he tells me! Half the time I have no idea what he really does for a living, since I don't do ColdPro or SuperFusion or whatever the programming language du jour is.
So what will you find on this blog? I'm not sure yet. Probably book reviews, thoughts on culture, church matters, various things God is teaching us at the moment. Book reviews will probably occur the least frequently, due to our crazy schedules and my turtlishly (is that a word?) slooowww reading pace. However, if there's anything in particular you'd like to see featured on here, please let me know.
All I know is that I love reading blogs and I love to write, so I figured I'd try this thing out. I really don't have much to add to what's already being said on ze vast Internets, but if you can help me gain some wisdom or if maybe something I post on here one day can help you somehow in your walk with Christ, it's all worth it. I can't wait to meet you! :-)
Weekend A La Carte (March 8)
21 hours ago